What's in Your Mouth - Speak Life Over Yourself!

What's in Your Mouth - Speak Life Over Yourself!
This month’s topic reminds us to be our own cheerleader in every area of life and personal development. The idea of monitoring and controlling our thoughts and our tongues may sound stark; however, it becomes more of an indictment to treat ourselves with dignity and grace and realize how we need to propel our lives forward with greater intentions and beliefs about our abilities, capabilities, and potential. Our strengths are ignited inside of us through the daily renewal of our mind, body, spirit and soul as we connect to the source of our power – The Holy Spirit. Knowing that “you can, you are, you will and you must” should reign supreme in empowering ourselves to accomplish all that we desire as we recognize that we are “kingdom builders” in real life. That means living each day with meaning and purpose. It also means consciously recognizing the things that hinder us from growing and moving forward. Our assignment is set. Speaking life over yourself and others in faith, believing and hoping for the best results and taking action are crucial steps in meeting life’s objectives to living a full life. Challenges will come – learn how to overcome by putting your words into action.
From a personal standpoint, I am inspired by scriptures, affirmations, inspirational sayings and songs, and self-growth principles. I truly believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me as I go to this well of rich resources daily – God’s Word, God’s Spirit and God’s Son – our true power source. Donald Lawrence’s lyrics capture these thoughts well in his exceptional rendition of Encourage Yourself in the Lord. The Book of Ephesians also shows us how to interpret and understand scripture on how to prepare ourselves through daily encouragement. Our platform has been established and revealed so that we can also encourage and empower others and teach them to do the same.
Someone recently asked me the difference between a Life Coach and a Christian Life Coach. I explained that my faith brought me into this career and calling to help and serve all people and I am only able to help all people by helping them to fully acknowledge and understand their God-Inspired goals for a more fulfilled future – in Christ. Christian coaching helps clients to connect their experiences via the Holy Spirit. Of course, I meet my clients and organizations wherever they are in their development and help them to go places they have not gone before when they fully commit to the coaching process. I encourage and empower them to dream, take action and grow. It is essential that I speak life with and over them – it inspires them to believe in themselves.
Encouraging and building up one another - It works! The same principles are applied in business development, relationships and other areas where one is seeking to change, improve and become strengthened. Before, I am able to help someone else, I have to be in a position to speak to my own circumstances. So, I speak life to all that is before me and over everyone I meet – our future is in God’s hands. It is a blessing to search and find opportunities to help bring out the best in everyone, even myself. To learn more about this topic, Steve Backlund has written a book, The Culture Of Empowerment: How To Champion People, and offers an online assessment http://ignitinghope.com/empowerment-assessment/ . Please share your comments. ~Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny ~