The Inevitable Possibility of Miracles

How do I know there are possibilities of miracles and they are continually manifested in our lives? When I reflect upon my life and the life of my parents, I know that our lives represent both the possibility and evidence of miracles. My parents, some of whom came from other countries believe in the American Dream, family and prayer. They instilled this "dream" into our family.
As we enter the Christmas Season, I find my thoughts lingering on the many blessings that we continue to receive – all because we believe this is how we are supposed to live, love and learn. Granted, there have been and will continue to be challenges; however, when you weigh our life journey against those challenges, the many miracles overwhelmingly standout as the proof of my claim. I am eternally grateful for my up-bringing and the lessons that could not be avoided. The lessons learned along the way, keep me humble.
The joy of coaching and helping others to live their best life has long been a part of my calling – personally, spiritually and professionally. As the years pass, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, especially when I consider my relationship, spiritual, and career choices. It is important to not take anything you see, feel, hear and experience for granted.
This should also reminds you to review your core values – and remember what is really important when you look at the impact and interactions of your life on this planet with others. Our lives represent a stream of miracles – learn to count your blessings. Just as Thanksgiving has passed, we should remember that every day is a day for giving thanks and gratitude for being a miracle. When we express our gratitude, we should remember the Giver of all gifts and use these gifts to help others.
Our world could use more of the miracle of a transformed heart – kindness, compassion, love and sincerity. The miracle of reciprocity focuses on cause and effect and for every action there is a reaction. If we give more then we will also receive more – even beyond the physical and material realms. In return – we continue to give of ourselves – with a sincere heart and increase the breadth, width, height and depth of our compassion for others – resulting in the inevitable possibility of new miracles. ~ Dr, Sandra Sessoms-Penny~
Tags: miracles proof evidence challenges interactions thanksgiving compassion