Rise Above Your Circumstances and Achieve the Impossible

Rise Above Your Circumstances and Achieve the Impossible
"Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do." ~ Nelson Mandela ~ (1918-2013)
We have truly been honored to have lived during some of the lifetime of President Nelson Mandela (South Africa) who left an indelible mark on the world. He lived the dream and taught others how to dream big dreams. He overcame many trials and tribulations during his 95 years of life and rose from his adversities in a manner not recognized or experienced by any other person during his life time. Imagine his dreams while imprisoned for 27 years! Imagine the abuses and intolerances he withstood! Imagine his convictions and his quest for freedom! Imagine his passion for justice and fairness!
We are witnesses to his life. We became his students in life. He continued to teach the world lessons up until the time of his death on December 5, 2013. The lessons that will continue to be learned include those of patience, tolerance, love, tenacity, fortitude, honesty, passion, commitment to a cause, forgiveness, and living life on purpose.
What are your desires? What are you passionate about? What are you dedicated to achieve during your life? What does true success look like to you. As the New Year 2014 approaches – reflect on Mr. Mandela’s life and put your life into perspective on how you want to live the rest of your life and be remembered. Who do you want to help succeed? What circumstances may be presenting you with challenges? You can accomplish the impossible. Face forward and look ahead for the many opportunities to grow your life – starting now.
Thank you for your service to our world Mr. Mandela.
~ Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny ~