Inevitable Growth (I-GROW) Life Coaching & Consulting, LLC. (757) 810-5476

The Freedom to Grow

July 5, 2012
The Freedom to Grow
See, Understand, Create, Embrace, Stay, Show = Grow Beyond Your Greatest Expectations!

The Freedom to Grow

July 5, 2012

The month of July is filled with reflective events to help you capitalize on your freedom to be the person you were created to be or growing the business you desire to grow. It is an honor and privilege to live the American dream. While attending to my goals list, I thought about how relevant my personal freedoms are to develop a life filled with excitement and to be able to continue to help people grow their lives and business through my coaching practice and business endeavors. Sometimes we...

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Empowerment and Wisdom Will Stand the Test of Time

May 21, 2012

What fuels your passion to push forward in light of or because of life’s circumstances? If you possessed all of the personal power and empowerment you could possibly hold and experience, how would your life be different than what it is now?

Learn how to create your best life now with the way you think about your own successes, dreams and possibilities. We are what we think in terms of ourselves as overcomers, achievers and believers. We were created to live abundant lives. That doesn’t m...

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When the Client is Ready…The Possibilities are Greater

April 3, 2012

My prospective client began our discussion by asking what could I do for him that other coaches could not do and why should he work with me. I chuckled to myself and realized that my prospective client really was not ready for coaching. It appeared as though he was trying on shoes and suits versus preparing for the possibilities associated with the greatest change of his life. I asked him what was he ready to do to bring about the change that was needed to help him grow his life into areas he...

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Sustainable Personal and Professional Growth – Making It Last

February 5, 2012

February is the Month to Passionately Pursue Possibilities for Sustainable Personal and Professional Growth. How many times have your tried something new to help you enrich your life and it worked for a while? However, as time progressed you lost interest and the impact of the “new methods” you originally experienced, began to diminish and eventually, you lost touch with that experience. You really did not nourish it and establish the foundation for continued growth. Did you then blame so...

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The New Year is For Dreamers

January 15, 2012

Are you a dreamer? Have you committed to making your dreams come true? Dust off last year’s bucket list and make a solid observation of what you did do and how did it change your life? Did you do more than you thought you would do? Did you add to the list for the New Year? Will your dreams add value to your life or the life of others – individually or collectively? Do your dreams reflect your core values?  

I am a dreamer and I have achieved so much more as result of pursuing my dreams. ...

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The Benefits of Coaching

December 17, 2011

Today is an incredible day.

The joys and blessings of the Christmas season have infiltrated our homes and workplaces. For this we are very greatful. We call these "new mercies" back home. When I think of the great benefits of being a coach, I realize I am living the dream in helping my clients to discover and manifest new possibilities. The coaching profession has been one of the most rewarding careers of my life. The majority of potential clients and the curious still ask what can a coach do ...

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Intentionally Growing - Plant Magnificent Seed

October 17, 2011

We are a part of the solution and should continue to available ourselves to opportunities for growth.  Take a look at our latest YouTube video to get a taste of why life coaching is such an exciting way to help you grow beyond borders:

It has been an incredible and humbling summer with our missions trip to Mombasa, Kenya.  Our lives will never be the same.  As the fall brings new excitement to the air and the world begins to change into beautiful sha...

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How to Make A Beautiful Life

July 14, 2011

How to Make a Beautiful Life

Love Yourself.  Make Peace with who you are and where you are at this moment in time.

Listen to your heart. If you can’t hear what it’s saying in this noisy world, make time for yourself. Enjoy your own company. Let our mind wander among the stars.

Try. Take Chances. Make mistakes. Life can be messy and confusing at times, but it’s also full of surprises. The next rock in your path might be a stepping stone.

Be happy. When you don’t have what you want...

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Be Intentional - May 2011

May 11, 2011

I am a firm believer in Divine Intervention. It has been an incredibly rewarding year coaching and building my business. During this time, I have met hundreds of great people, all looking for something or finding something that will help their business to grow beyond its borders - taking it to the top level. I enjoyed several mountain top experiences throughout the last year. The latest and greatest occurred On
April 15th,...
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