Inevitable Growth (I-GROW) Life Coaching & Consulting, LLC. (757) 810-5476

Our Differences Define and Unite Us

July 16, 2013

"We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams." ~Jimmy Carter­ ~

I-GROW Business and Life Tips: Our differences serve a dual purpose when we look at our lives. They define us and also unite us. We search for commonalities to generate a sense of belonging and approval. When one of us hurts, we all hurt. When one of us celebrates, we all celebrate. When one of us achieves a goal, we all benefit from the experience. Learning to embrace the differences has challenged us as individuals, collectively, as a country and as a world. It is totally okay to be different, unique, special, original and one of a kind. Refuse to spend your life trying to be somebody else or change someone into being what you want them to be. Refuse to stereotype, label people or dismiss them based upon superficial and unrealistic criteria. We are all perfected to a fault. We are all in the same the circle of life. What goes around always comes back around – sometimes as a reward and sometimes as a consequence. When we finally realize that we are all from the same gene pool – we can connect, appreciate, inspire, and grow beyond our invisible fears. Let’s capitalize on more opportunities to understand the process of life and valuing each other as the precious beings we were created to be. Posted in memory of Trayvon Martin ~ Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny~


Happy 3 Year Anniversary - Inevitable Growth (I-GROW) Life Coaching and Consulting, LLC.

June 13, 2013

Congratulations on our 3rd Anniversary – Inevitable Growth (I-GROW) Life Coaching and Consulting, LLC.

For the past three years, I have watched an incredible plan unfold to live my best life as an entrepreneur and coach. Having transitioned from very a diverse background my goal was to totally reinvent my career and my life. Becoming a coach was a sobering calling for me to venture into. The drivers for me included my passion and purpose for helping and serving others; using my gifts, ta...

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Be Decisive with Confidence

May 31, 2013

    Be Decisive and Honor your choices. As we mature we should pursue our passions fueled by skillfully determined choices.
 Daily we face many options, pending decisions, and countless unknowns – welcome to life!  Our lives are shaped by the decisions we make in every moment – whether we are in the moment or not. Clarity has power – live in the moment as a participant and not a spectator. 
    Making strong decision gives you energy to overcome and go over challenges and distractions. T...

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The Best Choices

April 11, 2013

     We have the opportunity to transform and celebrate our life every day. The change takes place in a variety of ways. It could easily begin with our attitude when we wake up in the morning, how we respond to those who are in our space, what we present to the world at-large, how much of ourselves we give away throughout the day, our actions and reactions to challenges as well as mountain-top experiences, and any number of possibilities.  The point is – we have a choice in the matter. Pe...

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Shifting from Barely Surviving to Fully Thriving: Make Great Things Happen!

March 1, 2013

I know you have heard the expression "You control the Shift!" This a powerful aspect of living a life of abundance and joy. Imagine going for a drive in your car - make it shiny and sporty with a wonderful gear shift - designed especially for your hand. You own the ride and the journey you are taking. In doing so, begin to make great things happen.

Learn to Take Chances. We often live our lives too cautiously, worried about what might go wrong. When we flip the script, we could easily rephra...

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My Name is Possible

January 25, 2013

“My Name is Possible” is the topic of a recent sermon shared by my pastor to the congregation to begin the New Year. I have had plenty of time to think about the implications and expectations of some of the possibilities I have experienced throughout my life and totally agree with this affirmation. Possibilities are what we feed our mind, body and soul for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to help us to survive as well as thrive. The only limitations to our growth are the ones we impose...

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End of Year – Life Sparks and Spikes: The Power of Words

December 13, 2012

Our words speak power into our lives and the lives of others. Words can and have changed us and the world around us. Consider the events of this year! Learn to speak and respond to empowering words as they feed the soul and change the atmosphere. Let these words inspire you to capture the essence of the moment, your attitude, the day, the year, the opportunities, the circumstances, and the people you encounter and experience. Create a master frame of reference and enlarge your sphere of influ...

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Signs of Living a Great Life - Manifests True Greatness - A Tribute

November 30, 2012

True Greatness: From Mr. Zig Ziglar  (11-6-1926 to 11-28-2012)
“You were born with unlimited potential and endowed with the seeds of greatness. You have inside of you what it takes to achieve any goal or dream you desire. Most everyone uses less than 5% of their potential. You must decide what it is you really want. Focus on it so clearly and make it your purpose. Then work on it hard enough and long enough. It will happen. You also have to work on things that are goal achieving instead of s...

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Engaging Our Spirit

October 1, 2012

This is a great season for engaging and reviving our spirit. Everyone has a spirit. For many of us, our spirit prompts us to do great things for ourselves, for others and our universe and allows us to intentionally move our lives forward. We realize that we are in this time and space temporarily and while we are here, it is within our reality and ability to live our best life now and to do our utmost to help and love others. We were designed to be in relationship with each other and with our ...

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What Happens With My Time – Today is What Matters Most

August 13, 2012

Here it is August and people are asking, “What happened to the year? Where did my time go?” Time management is something most people would like to harness and better utilize in their lives. Some believe that we just don’t have enough time to do all that we desire to do. We align effective time management with balancing our lives. Most of us are way out of balance for reasons we create or permit to happen in our daily lives. Take back control of your time. Give yourself permission to cha...

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