Inevitable Growth (I-GROW) Life Coaching & Consulting, LLC. (757) 810-5476

And Still I rise - Tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou

May 31, 2014

And Still I Rise – Tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou

A special era came to a close this week as we celebrated the life and legacy of  Dr. Maya Angelou who rose to a greater place in history on May 28th, 2014 at the dawning of a new day. I feel compelled to remember one of the greatest women in the world who was able to bring nations, countries, communities, families and relationships together through her spoken word. On that eventful morning, she passed on her torch to billions of people.  I can say that I was deeply touched and inspired by the light she possessed and shared with others – knowingly and intentionally to build a collective light to bring peace and love to anything, any person and anywhere more light was needed.  

Throughout my life she sang to me, told me I was smart and beautiful – and that was more than enough to grow on and become the person I was created to be.  I was honored to share Maya’s story of climbing the ladder of success, enduring what many perceived to be life’s most challenging circumstances. She overcame! During many stages and seasons of my life when I faced similar challenges, I thought about what she did, what my mother did, what my grandmother did and what many before them did – they learned something new and they survived. They believed in the impossible and created the unimaginable. They had faith in God and their future and then they lived a great life. Their stories are what dreams are made of – and are a part of the fabric of my life – from beginning to beginning.

Maya stated, "You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot - it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive."  She was and will continue to be one of the greatest influencers in world. Somebody listened and somebody learned from her trials and successes. The written word and the spoken word will live on because she spoke them, she wrote them and she sang them. I truly could not get enough of all that she had to offer. So brazen, so beautiful and so true!

I am positive because it is my choice to be positive. I know a lot of positive people as I surround myself with their energy and we feed life to each other every day, where our cups are over-running with all of the grace and beauty we were gifted before the beginning of time. Maya helped us to look deep within ourselves to see it, feel it, taste it, hear it and live it – every day on purpose. She stated, "We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay and rise!" She taught us to love our reflections, grow our light, rise above our circumstances and enjoy the journey.  Thank you Dr. Maya Angelou for your love and your light! We will rise. ~ Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny~





Prepare To Tell Your Story

April 30, 2014

Life is good! Circumstances may not always be pleasant or the people I know and hear about may not always be kind; however, after living a life filled with continuous growth and change – it is still good. I often reflect on the early years of my life which were very challenging in my mind’s eye after summing up the experiences I remember; however, the lessons learned were always life changing. Some of those lessons left me with scars and some with laugh lines –yet I am alive today to ...

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Learn to Encourage Yourself

March 31, 2014

Encouragement is the greatest gift you can give yourself.  After all, you are the most significant influencer in and of your own life! What you believe about yourself has the propensity to enlarge your life exponentially and impact your destiny. Yes, that’s right! Your best cheers should come from within you. This is a personal discipline we can learn to do for ourselves. We all want to move forward and live our best life each day. We do not need to rely on someone else to tell us how we ...

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Happiness is an Intentional Decision – Embrace It!

February 28, 2014

The Declaration of Independence reads: ”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Why did our forefathers include this in one of the most important documents our nation possesses? The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness.  You have to make it happen yourself. We all have the right ...

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Embrace What Matters the Most

January 31, 2014

"Life gets even better when - you create a new path, partner with the present, leave the past behind and tell your future to make room for your gifts."  ~ Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny ~

Our Theme for the year at Inevitable Growth is “Embrace  What  Matters Most.” We end the month with a cold blast and a joyful and renewed spirit. The month of January produced new friends and opportunities to focus on what matters most in our lives. Setting goals, intentions and expectations came with many s...

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Rise Above Your Circumstances and Achieve the Impossible

December 31, 2013

Rise Above Your Circumstances and Achieve the Impossible

"Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do." ~ Nelson Mandela ~ (1918-2013)

We have truly been honored to have lived during some of the lifetime of President Nelson Mandela (South Africa) who left an indelible mark on the world. He lived the dream and taught others how to dream big dreams. He overcame many trials and tribulations during his 95 years o...

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The Inevitable Possibility of Miracles

November 30, 2013

How do I know there are possibilities of miracles and they are continually manifested in our lives? When I reflect upon my life and the life of my parents, I know that our lives represent both the possibility and evidence of miracles. My parents, some of whom came from other countries believe in the American Dream, family and prayer. They instilled this "dream" into our family.

As we enter the Christmas Season, I find my thoughts lingering on the many blessings that we continue to receive ...

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“Incredilicious” Benefits of Effective Coaching

October 31, 2013

Imagine if you will your favorite type of pie – with the choicest of ingredients and flavored to perfection. Just as you anticipate biting into your special pie, the benefits of coaching can also be realized through an effective coach who intentionally stirs in the following ingredients during your coaching sessions to help you achieve your greatest goals and taste the possibilities. Mixed in with your personal desires, your coach will create the opportunity for positive growth, a victoriou...

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Love Is The Foundation For A Life Worth Living

September 30, 2013

An incredible speaker described how love should be the foundation of our very existence. Everything that we do should be done in love and based on love. Somehow, along the way of our life’s journey, we have gotten this twisted and many of us have stopped loving the process of living.  The totality of what happens in our lives each day does not support the original statement; however, we know that in order to change our circumstance we need to change our mindset and learn to make the best ...

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Do It Now - Keep the Dream Alive! Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of "I Have A Dream" Speech

August 29, 2013

Do It Now – Keep the Dream Alive

On the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Kings speech and the March on Washington D.C., we must remind each other to Keep the Dream Alive! There is something about setting and pursuing specific goals that causes a lot of people to procrastinate and simply avoid doing. Our dreams are connected with our goals. Do we fear success? Do we not create enough time in our day to get the most important things done? Time management has been one of the greatest challenges for p...

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