Inevitable Growth (I-GROW) Life Coaching & Consulting, LLC. (757) 810-5476

Every Day - Begin Where You Are...

March 20, 2015


March Momentum - Shake Things Up

March 20, 2015

March represents motivation and momentum. Learn to maximize your opportunities to grow. Stay in the game and make a decision to play for keeps. If you want something, you had better do something to get it and hold on to it! You determine what your something is - keep that thought in your mind to inspire you to do more than just think - put action behind your thoughts! - Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny

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Personal Growth and the Christian Entrepreneur

February 28, 2015

Have you ever needed a combined resource to inspire you to grow your personal and professional life at the same time? The wait is over. This resource 
helps you to strategically and prayerfully dig deep, make the right moves and apply solid techniques that result in exponential growth. It is of special help to those who are emerging entrepreneurs and want to start out right as well as ready for the journey before you. A lot of ideas, checklists, reflections and prayers are packed into this 44 ...
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Breaking NEWS: You Already Have It All!

January 31, 2015

Focus on maximizing every area of your life, starting with your thought process and believing that you deserve to have what you desire to live a life of abundance and great expectations.  You only need approval from our Creator to keep on creating what has already been sown into you. Sometimes you have to dig deeper to find that precious seed. Have a true desire to step up and step over anything and anybody who has built up a fence around you and kept you stuck in fear, procrastination, low s...

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Every Day - Thanksgiving - Giving Thanks

November 23, 2014

Every day should be a day of Thanksgiving. Complete a 40 Day Gratitude Challenge with me to end the Year 2014: At the end of each day, specifically write in your journal what you are grateful for on that day (one to five things). At the beginning of each day, read what you were grateful for on the day before. This will fill you with greater joy and open your heart and mind to be grateful and thankful for everything, all the time. Need help with that, see me . Be intentional - wake up giving t...
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Four to Score - Grow Your Life and Your Business Seminar

October 31, 2014

Four (4) Business Opportunities presented in short informative segments to spark your entrepreneurial spirit, provide better choices for your personal health and growth and create new sources of financial wellness. You will get to make a decision on the customer or consultant's positions. Question and answer session after each presentation. Goal Setting Session after the presentations. Call for Details.  What changes do you expect as you close the year 2014 and anticipate the year 2015.


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Establishing Your Priorities to Make the Best Things Happen- Part 2

October 31, 2014

Establishing Your Priorities to Make the Best Things Happen – Part 2

In addition to gaining clarity on your goals and determining their urgency, consider connecting with a trustworthy accountability partner or coach to help you stay focused, overcome challenges and make you aware of additional options to help you make the best things happen. These individuals also provide additional motivation and encouragement for your journey and for you to succeed.

A quick exercise and daily guideline ...

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Establishing Your Priorities to Make the Best Things Happen - Part 1

September 30, 2014

Yes, It is possible to have a clear sense of what is most important in your life and then to set a plan and make the best of every situation. Gain clarity on what your goals are and maximize your time. Dan Millman stated, I learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything. Today is the right day, the right time, to make your best d...

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The ABC’s Of Adding Value To Your Life - You Deserve To Live Your Best Life Now!

July 31, 2014

The ABC’s Of Adding Value To Your Life - You Deserve To Live Your Best Life Now!

A - "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Lou Holtz

B - "Becoming is a process of living. Live with intention.”  Sandra Sessoms-Penny

C - "Change is inevitable; your growth or stagnation is optional. Once you learn how to do better – make it happen with consistency.” Sandra Sessoms-Penny

D - "Dare to dream and live o...

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The Freedom to GROW Your Life – 12 Every Day Steps

June 27, 2014

Today the rubber meets the road! Growing your life means knowing and acting upon what you are committed to do for yourself every day – for the rest of your life. It requires (CIA) consistency, intentionality and action. No more would haves, could haves and should haves – and certainly no more excuses. What are you actually going to do for yourself – every day – from now on? What is your plan?

You are very familiar with all of the primary life areas: life balance, relationships (intim...

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