Posted by Sandra Sessoms-Penny on Tuesday, July 16, 2013
"We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams." ~Jimmy Carter ~
I-GROW Business and Life Tips: Our differences serve a dual purpose when we look at our lives. They define us and also unite us. We search for commonalities to generate a sense of belonging and approval. When one of us hurts, we all hurt. When one of us celebrates, we all celebrate. When one of us achieves a goal, we all benefit from the experience. Learning to embrace the differences has challenged us as individuals, collectively, as a country and as a world. It is totally okay to be different, unique, special, original and one of a kind. Refuse to spend your life trying to be somebody else or change someone into being what you want them to be. Refuse to stereotype, label people or dismiss them based upon superficial and unrealistic criteria. We are all perfected to a fault. We are all in the same the circle of life. What goes around always comes back around – sometimes as a reward and sometimes as a consequence. When we finally realize that we are all from the same gene pool – we can connect, appreciate, inspire, and grow beyond our invisible fears. Let’s capitalize on more opportunities to understand the process of life and valuing each other as the precious beings we were created to be. Posted in memory of Trayvon Martin ~ Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny~