I am a firm believer in Divine Intervention. It
has been an incredibly rewarding year coaching and building my business. During
this time, I have met hundreds of great people, all looking for something or
finding something that will help their business to grow beyond its borders - taking it to the top level. I enjoyed several mountain top experiences throughout the last year. The latest and greatest occurred On April 15th, 2011. I received a call from an incredibly knowledgeable and wise woman named Gail who introduced me to my new Compass family and she assumed the role of my mentor. I was so impressed with the caliber of this organization and unhesitatingly partnered with Compass, a Coaching and Personal
Development Network because it is intuitively the perfect fit for me. Compass
makes it possible to offer affordable group coaching, unlimited business
opportunities, residual income and a chance to help others grow in multiple
areas of their lives. They have it all - in the right space and place. I gladly became an Independent Compass Representative. My
actions support my business motto and I am living the dream of Inevitable and
Intentional Growth. If you are ready to “Discover Your Compass,” experience the most profound group coaching in the world and/or earn a steady income through Compass, send me an
e-mail or give me telephone call to learn more about how you can begin to live your
dream. I would love for you join my elite team of professionals. Seize the moment today to start a new path to freedom from whatever may be holding you back from reaching your goals and realizing your ambitions. Discover Your Compass today! Contact me: Coach "S-P", coachsp2010@aol.com or (757) 810-5476. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you.
In : Life Coach
compass personal development network